FOSSI | Apply for the FOSSI Scholarship

Does Your Major Qualify?

We're looking for students interested in making an impact through science, technology, engineering, and math. Check the list of preferred STEM majors below. If you're pursuing one of them, apply for FOSSI.

Preferred majors may include, but are not limited to:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Material Science
  • Sustainability
  • Environmental Science
  • Agriculture Science
  • Physics
  • Biology

How are preferred majors identified?

Preferred STEM majors are identified on a yearly basis by FOSSI administrators based on relevance to the chemical industry and supporting sponsor preferences. Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Chemistry are given priority in the selection process. 

Preferred Majors include but are not limited to: Chemical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Chemistry; Agriculture/Plant Science; Biology; Civil Engineering; Computer Science; Environmental Studies; Industrial Engineering; Materials Science; Math; Physics; Supply Chain; and Sustainability. 

What majors are NOT accepted?

FOSSI is not intended for students interested in pursuing careers in nursing, medicine, psychology, social sciences, veterinary medicine and other associated fields. Some fields of study which may be generally considered as STEM may not qualify for FOSSI scholarships. FOSSI scholars must have an approved FOSSI major throughout their 4 years of college to retain their scholarship. 

Where can a FOSSI scholarship take you?

You can become an alternative energy innovator, a clean-water crusader, or a sustainability superhero. The possibilities will amaze you! Check out the videos below to learn more about what you can do with an undergraduate STEM degree in chemical engineering, chemistry, and related fields.

The moment that I was accepted into FOSSI was life-changing, as not only do they offer financial support towards my education, but other opportunities as well. Without FOSSI, I would not have had the ability to spend my summer immersed in [an internship with my sponsor company] without it.
Kamyla Bullock, 2023 FOSSI Scholar, Chemical Engineering Major, North Carolina A&T State University

Is the FOSSI Scholarship Right for You?

Will you be pursuing a STEM degree at an HBCU?
  • FOSSI funds 4-year scholarships of $10,000 per year for students majoring in STEM related fields at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Additionally, FOSSI connects students to leadership development, mentoring and internship opportunities at participating companies
  • While there are a number of STEM degrees available for students, participating organizations have identified fields of study within STEM that are most pertinent to the objectives of the chemical industry, including but not limited to: Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, Agriculture/Plant Science, Biology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, Industrial Engineering, Materials Science, Math, Physics, Supply Chain and Sustainability.
  • Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Chemistry are given priority in the selection process. Some fields of study which may be generally considered as STEM may not qualify for FOSSI scholarships. FOSSI scholars must have an approved FOSSI major throughout their 4 years of college to retain their scholarship. FOSSI is not intended for students interested in pursuing careers in nursing, medicine, psychology, social sciences, veterinary medicine and other associated fields.
Do you meet the application criteria?

Applicants must:

  •  Be a citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States
  • Complete or have completed high school with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted) and be entering their freshman year of college
  • Pursue studies in a pertinent chemical and engineering industry STEM field. See preferred majors
  • Attend an HBCU for the entirety of their college education
  • Have interest in pursuing a career in chemical manufacturing, engineering, environmental health and sustainability or other related chemical-industry fields
  • Demonstrate financial need

The FOSSI scholarship can be used for tuition and university-provided room and board.  A student may accept additional scholarships but they cannot exceed the total cost of their education. Children of employees of founding partners and sponsoring organizations may apply for the FOSSI scholarship, excluding children of executive-level employees. 

What are the application deadlines?
  • September 27, 2024: 2025 FOSSI application opens
  • January 31, 2025: 2025 FOSSI application due date 
  • April 14, 2025: Scholarship notifications begin
  • May 1, 2025: College Decision Day
Are you able to meet the annual requirements?

The multi-year scholarship will be reviewed annually and is contingent upon satisfactory academic performance (maintaining a 2.5. out of 4.0 GPA) in a full-time course of STEM study at an HBCU. 

Are you aware of how changes to your field of study and/or transferring may affect your scholarship?
  • FOSSI students must pursue studies in a pertinent chemical and engineering industry STEM field. If a student decides to switch to a non-STEM related field of study, they may no longer be eligible for the scholarship.
  • If a student transfers to a non-HBCU, they are no longer eligible for the scholarship.
Are you aware of how the FOSSI scholarship can be used?

The FOSSI scholarship can be used for tuition and university-provided room and board.  A student may accept additional scholarships but they cannot exceed the total cost of their education. Children of employees of founding partners and sponsoring organizations may apply for the FOSSI scholarship, excluding children of executive-level employees. 

How are applications submitted?

Completed applications should be submitted electronically. If absolutely necessary, please mail completed applications to P.O BOX 1546 Wilmington, DE 19899.

Who will review your application?

As scholarship administrator, the HBCU Week Foundation will lead the process for receiving and reviewing applications. Following an initial, quantitative, automated screening process, a selection committee will meet to determine the candidate(s) which best fit relevant scholarship criteria. Scholars will be chosen based on an overall rating and the number of scholarships available.

Founding Partners will notify recipients by June 1st via phone call, email, and official letter. The American Institute of Chemical Engineers will administer funding of scholarships to each of the Universities by semester. Scholarship recipients will be required to meet ongoing scholarship criteria each semester. 

How will your application be evaluated?

 Areas reviewed by the Selection Committee include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Academic accomplishments
  • STEM Major 
  • Financial Need
  • Relevance of career aspirations to chemicals industries 
  • Community involvement

If selected as a recipient, the student will receive a confirmation form to be returned within ten days of receipt. 

Questions about eligibility?

If you have questions about eligibility, please contact Students applying for the scholarship will be responsible for disclosing any potential conflict of interest prior to the selection process.

Meet FOSSI's 2024 Class

In FOSSI's fourth year, we're thrilled to welcome our 2024 class of 150 FOSSI scholars. To date, FOSSI has awarded 740+ exceptional high-school seniors $40,000 scholarships ($10,000 per year) to pursue preferred STEM degrees at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

See welcome video and the complete list of scholars

The Future of STEM Scholars Initiative

Founded by the American Chemistry Council (ACC), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Chemours and HBCU Week Foundation, the Future of STEM Scholars Initiative (FOSSI) seeks to increase the number of underrepresented professionals in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) workforce by providing scholarships to students pursuing preferred STEM degrees at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and connecting those students to internships, leadership development, and mentoring opportunities at participating companies. Sponsored by chemical manufacturers and related industry stakeholders, FOSSI provides scholarship recipients $10,000 per year for four years.