FOSSI | Future of STEM Scholars - Corporate Giving

Shape the future of STEM and join our efforts towards an industry that is open to all.

When our industry opens doors to science, technology, engineering, and math education in underserved communities, we equip ourselves and the world with a diverse, talented, and motivated future workforce —prepared to bring the new perspectives and intellect needed to tackle the big challenges that lie ahead.

fossi corporate donor impact

  • Support and encourage the next generation of scientists, researchers, engineers, doctors, and innovators — poised to find solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems
  • Significantly increase the presence of students currently underrepresented in the STEM talent pool
  • Demonstrate the chemical industry's social responsibility and corporate leadership in creating a fully inclusive workforce
  • Play a role in mentoring scholars and connecting them to internships and leadership development opportunities that they might not otherwise have access to

The FOSSI Scholarship has made a world of difference for our family. It has eased the financial stress of college and allowed our daughter, Skylar, to focus on her education and future goals without the added worry. We are incredibly thankful for this support, which has opened doors and given Skylar the chance to pursue her dreams. It truly means so much to us.
Alva Mobley, Proud FOSSI Parent

FOSSI Corporate Supporters

I am passionate about pursuing a degree in STEM because STEM is the future and I want to be a part of something that is bigger than myself.
Quincy Stoker, Jackson State University

Transforming the future of STEM

FOSSI celebrates 740 high school seniors who were selected to receive a $40,000 scholarship ($10,000 per year of college) to pursue a preferred STEM degree at an HBCU.

ACC and our members are committed to enhancing diversity in our facilities, our Board rooms and the communities in which we operate. We are proud to be a founding partner in this important initiative.
Chris Jahn, President and CEO, American Chemistry Council

Meet the FOSSI Scholars: Future Superstars of STEM

Learn about the origin of FOSSI, the long-term goals of the FOSSI founding partners, and hear from FOSSI's inaugural class in the November issue of AIChE's CEP magazine.

Read the full article 

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