FOSSI | Meet Camille Pair: 2024 FOSSI Scholar Attending North Carolina A&T State University

Meet Camille Pair: 2024 FOSSI Scholar Attending North Carolina A&T State University

August 28, 2024

FOSSI: Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Camille Pair and I am from Washington, DC. I graduated with a 3.7 GPA from McKinley Technology High School and was inducted into the National Honor Society. I was active in my school and community as a leader and advocate. I have dedicated much of my time to helping my fellow youth and I plan to continue to do that.

At my high school, I served as a student ambassador. I am also a student ambassador with College Bound, where I encouraged students to join the organization and learn about all the possibilities available to them by attending college. I have sat on two city-wide boards, the Chancellor’s Advisory Board and the Kennedy Center Youth Council, where I represented and advocated for myself and students in the Washington metropolitan area. In the fall, I will be attending North Carolina A&T State University to study chemical engineering.

A career in technology and entrepreneurship will allow me to solve real-world problems while offering exponential growth potential and flexibility for me and my future employees.

FOSSI: Why are you passionate about pursuing a degree in a STEM-related field?

I chose the STEM field of chemical engineering because I like to solve problems. I chose my career path because there are many industries where products are created, and people of color are excluded from their development and testing. I intend to create an inclusive company that develops exemplary products. Studying chemical engineering is a great foundation for helping me reach my goals.

My generation is competitive, creative, and motivated by all of the global exposure we see via our current social media technologies. This knowledge inspires a high level of innovation and creativity in me. A career in technology and entrepreneurship will allow me to solve real-world problems while offering exponential growth potential and flexibility for me and my future employees. 

FOSSI: Why is receiving the FOSSI scholarship important for you?

FOSSI scholarship support will ensure I can complete school and pursue my dreams. After college, I hope to continue my studies in graduate school, and maybe even earn my PhD. This scholarship has relieved me of a huge financial burden, and I now see continuing my higher education as a possibility. I can begin to save money for future degrees instead of taking out loans. I am also excited to join the FOSSI community, collaborate with fellow STEM students, and work with the sponsoring partners. 

FOSSI: Who is a role model that has influenced you?

Jennie Patrick was born on January 1, 1949, in Gadsden, Alabama. She is the first black woman to receive a PhD in chemical engineering and has inspired me. I am working diligently to follow in her footsteps. She was a leader who blazed a trail for young black girls like me to follow. Patrick contributed to how young black women now have access to any institution they choose. She is an inspiration and an example that any obstacle can be overcome. She managed to integrate three schools, overcome Jim Crow and segregation, and earn a PhD by age 30. Patrick’s success is confirmation that I can achieve anything I put my mind to; there are no limits to what I can accomplish. 

FOSSI: Fast forward – where do you see yourself in ten years?

After college, I hope to continue my studies in graduate school, and maybe even earn my PhD. I haven’t decided what I would like to do within the chemical engineering field, but I have an interest in several chemical engineering industries. Being a part of the FOSSI community will help me determine my focus. Attending and excelling in college is a stepping stone towards the future I envision. In ten years,  I hope to have started my technology company using both the educational and hands-on experience I will have from collaborating with FOSSI scholars and partners. Both are a solid foundation for success. I also intend to nurture my community ties by creating opportunities within my company for students and volunteering with youth. 

We invite companies not currently supporting FOSSI to build their pipeline of outstanding and diverse talent by supporting a FOSSI scholar. Learn more.