FOSSI | Meet Abigail Limiri: 2023 FOSSI Scholar Attending University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Meet Abigail Limiri: 2023 FOSSI Scholar Attending University of Maryland Eastern Shore

May 24, 2024

FOSSI: Tell us a bit about yourself. 

Hi, my name is Abigail Limiri and I was born in Nairobi, Kenya, but I live in Delaware now.  I recently graduated from St Georges Technical High school with a 4.15 GPA. I was very active in school as captain of the varsity volleyball team, a member of NHS, the Black Student Union, and the Secretary of Lyfe Club. Outside of school, I co-oped at Rite Aid Pharmacy, played club volleyball for Venom Athletics, worked media for my church, and participated in the programs STEM UP Delaware and Upward Bound Math and Science. Now, I plan on attending University of Maryland Eastern Shore to major in biochemistry on a 6-year pharmacy fast track.

FOSSI: Why are you passionate about pursuing a degree in a STEM-related field?

I am passionate about pursuing a degree in STEM because of the unlimited opportunities that exist within this field. The most important reason is because STEM has solved science and technology problems throughout history.  Nobody would have thought that app developers would one day program a wallet sized device with the ability to connect with others and conduct business with a swipe of the hand. Medical technologies have seen the reversal of otherwise life threatening conditions. Without STEM, the world would still be in the dark ages. Through the FOSSI scholarship, I'm given the opportunity to pursue my passion and serve humankind in the area of medicine.

FOSSI: Why is receiving the FOSSI scholarship important for you?

When I first heard the news, my life immediately changed. I was so happy! I was screaming, crying, and going through 1,000 emotions all at once. This scholarship is tremendously important for me because I’ll be able to fully focus on my schoolwork and obtaining my degree, and my parents won't have to worry about helping me pay school fees.

Relieving this financial burden on my family puts my heart at ease because they’ve poured so much into me and getting me to where I am today. Now, I can finally pay it forward. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to further my education with the help of FOSSI. It is such a relief to know that I will be financially taken care of and can focus solely on my academic goals to succeed in the future.

FOSSI: Who is a role model that has influenced you?

My mother is my inspiring role model because throughout the past couple of years, I’ve been able to lean on her as a best friend, mother, and mentor. She didn’t have the easiest life growing up and she really had to work hard to get to where she is today. She tells me all the time that she wants me to be better than she is and achieve more than she has because she believes that I am destined for greatness. If she wants something, she goes for it. She never dwells or doubts herself about it, she just does it; I admire that about her the most. She never lets anything, or anyone become a hindrance and she is always finding opportunities for improvement. 

FOSSI: Fast forward – where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years, I see myself being a clinical pediatric pharmacist working in a hospital. I would have already secured my bachelors in biochemistry and my PharmD and completed my residency along with a couple of fellowships.

As a clinical pediatric pharmacist,  I will be working hand in hand with other health care specialists focused on achieving optimal use of medications by assessing every patient individually to understand the best mode of treatment, emphasizing dosing, monitoring, identification of adverse effects, and economic efficiency to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

I would also be involved in research to find a cure and a way to manage health challenges facing children today. I'd also make improvements relating to medical therapy, involving taking a more holistic approach to patient care.

FOSSI: Share a few fun facts about yourself.

  • I'm quite passionate about traveling! I’m very adventurous and I want to be able to see as much of the world as I can. I think that getting out and experiencing the world is important.
  • Volunteering and mission work, especially with kids, is something I’ve been doing for as long as I can remember. Learning how to connect with young minds and truly understand them brightens both my day and theirs.
  • Photography is one of my favorite things to do in my free time, whether it’s taking photos of the sunsets/sunrises, candids, or just capturing life itself. I love capturing memories to look back on!
  • Since the pandemic, I’ve learned how to make waist beads and other beaded jewelry.

Hear more from Abigail about why attending an HBCU is important to her.


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