FOSSI: Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm Lei-Yani Monday and I want to go into the environmental field for my career. I am currently attending Howard University and studying environmental science to pursue my passion in creating innovative solutions for climate change. Going to Howard and receiving this scholarship will allow me to have a college experience and build vital connections for achieving my goals.
Throughout high school, I was the leader of many clubs including Robotics, National Society of Black Engineers, Black Student Union, Mural Arts, Senior Leadership, and any other role that needed filling at my tight-knit school. Having these leadership roles was instrumental for me because I had the opportunity to connect with my peers and form strong bonds. I have been a high honors student all my life and I plan to continue meeting high academic standards in college.
FOSSI: Why is receiving the FOSSI scholarship important for you?
I will be a first-a generation college student, and this scholarship is necessary for me to attend college since my parents do not have the financial means to pay for my tuition. It feels good to know that I have the needed resources and that with the assistance of FOSSI, I am not alone.
Who is a role model that has influenced you?
During my internship at LA Regional Clean Tech Academy, I met many professionals who are currently in the energy field and have inspired me to do the same. One of the professionals who impacted me was Kianna Scott, Senior VP at a company called Charger Help. She is a successful Black woman in the clean energy field, which I aspire to be someday soon. I will obtain my environmental science degree at Howard University in 2028. I will make a difference in clean energy like she does when she allows energy-efficient cars and jobs to be more accessible for underrepresented communities. This combination of inclusivity in energy sciences is something I feel passionate about. I plan to close the gap in communities getting access to environmental needs. I’ll focus on creating a safe environment for people greatly impacted by pollution.
Share a few fun facts about yourself.
- I love to go thrifting.
- I like bike riding at the beach.
- I enjoy watching movies with friends and family.
- I have been taking art class for years and love to paint, draw, and make paper mache sculptures.
- My favorite music genre is R&B and I love to listen to it as I journal or do art.
- I also play the ukulele and violin.
We invite companies not currently supporting FOSSI to build their pipeline of outstanding and diverse talent by supporting a FOSSI scholar. Learn more.