Charlie Edward McAdoo III is a recent IB graduate of Druid Hills High School in Atlanta, Georgia. Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, Charlie is the son of Drs. Billynda and Charlie McAdoo II and brother to Billy McAdoo. Charlie will be attending Howard University as a member of the highly selective Karsh STEM Scholar Program. The Karsh STEM Scholars Program’s mission is to increase the number of underrepresented minorities who earn a PhD or combined MD/PhD in a STEM discipline.
Charlie has participated in Varsity Ultimate Frisbee (Team Captain), Student Government Association (Senior Senator), Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Atlanta Chapter, UMC North Georgia Annual Conference (Youth Lay Delegate), and Glenn Memorial UMC Basketball League (Team Captain).
Among his accolades are the Brandeis University Book Award for Social Action and Civic Engagement; First Place Outstanding Leadership Portfolio at the 2022 Southeastern Region Teen Leadership Conference; Jack and Jill of America, Inc.; and the Choice-Filled Lives Network: Choice, Voice, Representation, and Justice Award. He was recognized by Atlanta InTown Magazine in their “Top 20 Under 20: Honoring Students Who Give Back” and has been inducted into National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, and Science National Honor Society.
FOSSI: Who is a role model that has influenced you?
At a young age, I discovered the field of STEM through browsing creators on youtube. Michael Stevens sparked my interest in the sciences through his effortless exploration of concepts. Though he sparked my initial interest, the astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson awakened my curiosity and exploration into physics. I fell in love with the real world applications of physics, leading me towards engineering. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is my inspiration in that he is a black male who made science cool. Today, I work to do the same in making academic excellence the status quo for those who look like me.
FOSSI: Fast forward – where do you see yourself in ten years?
In ten years, I see myself as Charlie McAdoo III, PhD. I want to be a researcher at at space agency.
FOSSI: Share a few fun facts about yourself.
I'm the third Charlie Edward McAdoo on my dad's side.
Hear more from Charlie about why he's excited to pursue a STEM degree.
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