FOSSI’s Fundamentals of Success (FoS) program is thrilled to add Financial Literacy to its curriculum this year, thanks to Dr. Erika Taylor Moore, who is generously sharing her financial expertise with FOSSI scholars to ensure they have the tools they need to make smart financial choices in college and beyond.
Moore's background
Moore graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2013 with a B.S. in biomedical engineering and completed her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at Duke. Today she leads a double life as the Rhines Rising Star Larry Hench Assistant Professor of Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Florida and the Founder & Executive Director of Moore Wealth, which partners with universities, community youth groups, and student organizations to host in-person and virtual financial education workshops.
Erika's passion for financial literacy
Erika’s passion for financial literacy was a result of a mountain of debt accumulated during college and the looming possibility of more debt in grad school. Rather than letting it defeat her, she educated herself with books, informational interviews with financial aid professionals, and financial podcasts.
In an interview with a representative from a FOSSI sponsor company, Erika discussed the value of passing on what she has learned to her students and mentees, stating “members of historically excluded groups are more likely to graduate with debt. I tell them to apply for as many scholarships as possible, pay attention to details in each loan, and keep track of expenses. I don’t want them to have to question their career aspirations like I did. I want them to pursue the path that’s best for them, with a clear understanding of the financial implications.”
She has also reinvented how financial literacy is taught to students with an accessible, engaging curriculum that is relevant to their daily lives.
Looking to the future
In pondering what might be ahead, Moore says she has learned to “be fearless and open to new possibilities.” She is interested in shaping education policy, and is a strong advocate of an applied curriculum, where students learn by doing.
This summer, Moore will move her lab from the University of Florida to the University of Maryland, not too far from the nation’s capital. A third job could be closer than she thinks.
We invite companies not currently supporting FOSSI to build their pipeline of outstanding and diverse talent by supporting a FOSSI scholar. Learn more.