Over the summer, 2023 FOSSI scholar Kamyla Bullock, a rising sophomore at North Carolina A&T State, participated in a six-week Summer Exploration Internship at CF Industries, a new FOSSI sponsor. During orientation week at CF Industries headquarters in Chicago, she shared her thoughts on why she chose STEM, the impact of the FOSSI scholarship, and her excitement about the internship ahead. Read more and watch the full video below.
FOSSI really showed me that what I want to pursue is valid, I can do it, and that certain organizations back me and believe in me.
How has FOSSI impacted your educational journey?
FOSSI has been a great help to my educational journey because it has supported me throughout school and taken off a huge chunk of my financial responsibilities. I got the call during my graduation. When I came home after the ceremony, I called them back and they told me I got the scholarship. It was a really emotional time because FOSSI really showed me that what I want to pursue is valid, I can do it, and that certain organizations back me and believe in me.
What do you hope to gain from your CF internship?
I will be a sophomore this upcoming fall, and I’m not quite sure what I want to do yet, but I know that I want to do something within the field of engineering. Because this opportunity with CF is more of a career exploration, I’ll have the opportunity to find out more about my interests. It’s a chance to discover what drives my desire to become a chemical engineering major and to receive a degree in chemical engineering.
Watch the full interview below!
We invite companies not currently supporting FOSSI to build their pipeline of outstanding and diverse talent by supporting a FOSSI scholar. Learn more.