FOSSI | Meet Michael Wilmore: 2023 FOSSI Scholar Attending Morgan State University

Meet Michael Wilmore: 2023 FOSSI Scholar Attending Morgan State University

July 24, 2024

FOSSI: Tell us a bit about yourself. 

Hello, my name is Michael Wilmore and I am from Bear, DE. I recently graduated from William Penn High School and I am currently a freshman and Civil Engineering major at Morgan State University. I have participated in many college preparation programs such as the College Readiness Scholars Institute at the University of Delaware, Delaware College Scholars, and Bucknell University’s week long on campus engineering camp.

Above all, I am mostly excited and proud to be one of the FOSSI scholarship recipients. After college, I plan to become an engineer, and after earning my bachelor’s degree, I want to further my education by earning degrees at higher levels.

Outside of school, I love to hang out with my friends and family, no matter where it may be. I also enjoy watching and playing sports, however basketball is my favorite. I was a member of my school’s varsity basketball team for three years. I also participated in the William Penn Marching Band from 8th to 10th grade, then I switched to concert band only.

From these experiences alone, I’ve built many skills, such as teamwork, effective communication, and balancing my strengths and weakness within group settings. While in the college programs I mentioned, I forced myself to be more open to new ideas and to build important relationships with individuals I still keep in contact with today. I am very happy to be a part of FOSSI and cannot wait to see what the future holds.

Who is a role model that has influenced you?

Two role models who have influenced me are my parents. Not just because they are the ones who raised me, but because they encourage me to be the best I can be at all times. The work that they put in to provide for me has always set a great example. Given the fact that neither of my parents attended a university straight out of high school, it has always been a major goal for me to do so. My mother always told me that the goal is to be better and accomplish more than what she and my father have, both inside and outside of the classroom.

This always pushed me to take the extra step that others might not be willing to take. This ultimately paid off, as my extra step was to simply have a conversation with a FOSSI representative while attending the HBCU Week College Fair in Wilmington last year. Now here I am, a recipient of the FOSSI scholarship.

FOSSI: Share a few fun facts about yourself.

  • I’d rather go to the pool than to the beach.
  • I love shoes.
  • Two of my close friends have been my friends since pre-school.
  • I don’t drink soda.
  • I hate tomatoes.
  • My favorite colors are blue and black.
  • My dream car is a 2018 black Chevy Camaro.

Hear more from Michael about when he first realized he was good at STEM.


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