FOSSI | FOSSI Visits Prairie View Campus for a Day of Connection and Inspiration

FOSSI Visits Prairie View Campus for a Day of Connection and Inspiration

(Left to right) Prairie View FOSSI scholars, Mar’quis Butler and Nadia Higgins with their mentor at Chevron Phillips Chemical, Vander Breland.
(Left to right) Prairie View FOSSI scholars, Mar’quis Butler and Nadia Higgins with their mentor at Chevron Phillips Chemical, Vander Breland.
October 20, 2023

In early September, the FOSSI team traveled to Houston, Texas, for a lunch and networking session on the campus of Prairie View A&M University, currently home to 37 FOSSI scholars. Joining them were 40+ members from 22 FOSSI sponsor companies and distinguished members of Prairie View’s faculty and administration.

More on the event

The event provided a welcome opportunity for scholars, sponsors and Prairie View staff to meet and network.  Scholars and sponsors were especially eager to connect as many gear up for career fairs and summer internship recruiting.

At lunch, guests heard remarks from Dr. Sheena Reeves, Associate Professor and Interim Head of Chemical Engineering at Prairie View;  Dr. Kimberly Wise White, Vice President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs at the American Chemistry Council; and Mike Finelli,  Chief North America Officer and President of Solvay Growth Initiatives. 

Dr. Reeves welcomed guests, highlighting the university’s new, state-of-the-art Roy G. Perry College of Engineering complex and $70 million Engineering Classroom and Research Building (ENCARB), and encouraged all to visit.

Sponsors share words of wisdom with scholars

Dr. White spoke of being a triple HBCU graduate and the profound influence it had on her life and career.

Finelli stressed the importance of balance in life, telling scholars, “We know it’s not easy balancing academics, jobs, family responsibilities, and extracurricular activities, and sometimes it can be very weighty. If you need help, please reach out. We have the same goals – for you to graduate and have a career that is not only financially rewarding but personally fulfilling.”

He continued, “Today you have 22 companies here – potential future employers.  Meet as many as you can, ask about their career paths, ask about their journeys.  You’ll find that everyone’s story is a little bit different, and the more you can learn about others, the more you can chart your own path. Get names, cards, connect on LinkedIn, stay in touch.”

A little healthy competition ensued when each sponsor was asked to describe their organization and why scholars should consider working for them. An impressive number identified themselves as Prairie View and HBCU alumni, all with a clear appreciation for being back on campus and having the opportunity to support the next generation. 

Scholars questions prompt valuable advice from sponsors

As the program concluded, scholars had the chance to ask questions. Junior Nadia Higgins wondered if FOSSI offered opportunities to attend industry conferences. The answer was a resounding “yes” with advice to “talk to your sponsor” and explore funding with organizations like ACC, AIChE and engineering societies. Junior Rylan Jones inquired if anyone had changed their major during college, and almost every hand in the room shot up, followed by lots of laughter.  

Jared Johnson (LyondellBasell) recalled, “Around homecoming every year, I had friends with a lot of different majors and I would start thinking, ‘Is this engineering thing for me?’  You’re studying for midterms while other people are having fun. But one thing I’ll say: it gets greater later.  Once you get through this, you will realize that you’ve unlocked some doors that some can’t approach because you have that degree. Think about that during those tough times when you’re spending extra hours in the lab, when everyone’s going to the party, but you have homework due tomorrow and you actually have to go to class.”

Enobong Houston (Chevron) advised, “Stay the course, get your degree, stand out in the crowd.” She told scholars to “look for companies that provide an opportunity to build your skills and go from role to role until you find your niche.”

Kayce Price (Braskem) encouraged students to “give yourself permission to pivot and change.”

Christine Penrose (Lubrizol) recommended that students “get those experiences. Tap into your mentors to understand what’s out there. Don’t get stuck. There are so many different ways your career could go. If you stay open, it will be there for you.”

The finale

After the program, guests continued networking and the conversations extended late into the afternoon. Students also had the opportunity for professional headshot taken by Houston photographer Chinedu “Chino” Chukuka.

FOSSI scholars are on campus at 42 different HBCUs, and the team looks forward to many more campus visits ahead!

We invite companies not currently supporting FOSSI to build their pipeline of outstanding and diverse talent by supporting a FOSSI scholar. Learn more.