FOSSI | Meet Michael Vouffo: 2022 FOSSI Scholar Attending Texas Southern University

Meet Michael Vouffo: 2022 FOSSI Scholar Attending Texas Southern University

June 6, 2023

FOSSI: Tell us a bit about yourself.

I started life on the great day of June 8th in 2004 at my birthplace of Washington, D.C.. To live it up in the capital was monumental, especially having lived under the first black president. In my years there, I took time to be a kid to the max and goofed off with my cousins, but I also began to express my enjoyment of learning.

In the next stage of my life, my family moved to Lake Charles, Louisiana. During my years in the Bayou State, I learned to have an appreciation for other cultures including the food, music, and traditions that they celebrated year-round. The holidays in Louisiana were the dream of a lifetime. Experiencing Mardi Gras in person made me realize that you can work the entire day from dawn to dusk but if you can't let your worries go from time to time, and live in the moment, then you're doing life wrong.

The final destination through the journey of my 18 years of life brings us to Clutch City, aka Houston. Being in H-town for the past 6 years has transformed me into a man that desires to bring the world into a new era. During those 6 years, I completed an associate's degree, became one of the youngest supervisors for the Kroger brand, and I went through a divorce. Plus, all of this happened before I turned 18. I overcame those trials, and you better believe, I won't let any challenge stop me from obtaining my bachelor's degree in STEM.

FOSSI: Why are you passionate about pursuing a degree in a STEM-related field?

Throughout my time in intermediate school, high school, and community college, the area of STEM always sparked my desire for more and more knowledge. When I learned one topic, I wanted to take it to a higher level. The labs also allowed me to see things that I never thought were humanly possible. Now that I'm heading onto university, I want to use my passion for STEM to invest back into the world and help to solve some of the problems we face.

FOSSI: Who is a role model that has influenced you?

A role model who definitely brought me to where I am today would have to be my 5th grade teacher. The person that I am today is due to her strong encouragement and the lessons in decision making that she instilled in me. Often I would be the guy who would sit idle in the background, but she pushed me to take the big leaps and conduct extraordinary tasks. Within the span of a single school year, I had done more than I had ever done throughout my entire elementary career.  Even after my time with her, I made sure to uphold the lessons she taught me. I can attribute several major steps I've taken on my path to university, back to her. When I eventually earn my MD, I hope she is there to see me walk the stage.

FOSSI: Fast forward – where do you see yourself in ten years?

I hope to see myself as an attending medical doctor tackling rising health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer. I'd presume that work for a major medical branch like UTMB or Johns Hopkins. 

FOSSI: Share a few fun facts about yourself.

  • I was born in Washington. D.C..
  • I can't swim.
  • I'm a workaholic.
  • I was the one of the youngest supervisors for Kroger.

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