FOSSI | Meet Jaimon Washington: 2022 FOSSI Scholar Attending Howard University

Meet Jaimon Washington: 2022 FOSSI Scholar Attending Howard University

October 25, 2022

FOSSI: Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hello, my name is Jaimon Washington. I’m eighteen years old and I currently reside in Philadelphia, PA. Growing up in this city has unquestionably made me into the person I am today. Seeing what Philly has turned out to be is devastating and prompted my reason for wanting to leave and explore the world of college. With that, I’m proud to announce that I will be attending Howard University in the fall of 2022, majoring in biology with a minor in chemistry. 

FOSSI: Why are you passionate about pursuing a degree in a STEM-related field?

I’m passionate about pursuing a degree in a STEM-related field because of my vigorous diligence in impacting the world. Throughout the academic school year, my current high school Parkway Northwest, partnered with WHYY  to create a news broadcast focusing on activism within our community because of the past two years of racial reckoning. I have also spoken on behalf of the school district, focusing on promoting voter education because of the lack of uneducated students on the importance of their vote.

Contrary to this, one of the social justice issues that I would like to promote is more African Americans exploring the world of STEM. With the current climate, having more black scientists can positively impact the nation. This influenced my decision to major in biology for the next four years. Developing more black leaders who can demonstrate their excellence in science is crucial.

FOSSI: Why is receiving the FOSSI scholarship important for you?

It was always imperative to put my education before anything throughout my educational journey.

I've always understood that having a solid academic background will ultimately help me succeed. Receiving the FOSSI scholarship did just that, highlighting the hard work I’ve put in over the last four years.  

Knowing how brilliant you are can lead to positive things that may not have happened if you let negative attributions affect your ability to succeed.

This scholarship also opens several doors to internships which is really important to me. With the help of chemistry or biology, scientists can find cures that sufficiently provide more excellent details that will be beneficial to save the population. Overall, this scholarship is a stepping stone for my future endeavors in science.

FOSSI: Share a few fun facts about yourself.

  • I like singing. 
  • I enjoy acting. 
  • I like producing & writing music.
  • I Paint and draw.
  • I make funny videos on TikTok.