FOSSI: Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a recent graduate of Shadow Creek High School in Pearland, TX. I've always had an interest in STEM. Ever since elementary school, my primary interest was in how computers worked. I began my programming journey in middle school when I signed up for the coding club. I started with simple block programming in programs like Scratch, and I was instantly captivated by what programming had to offer.
This interest continued into my high school career, where I began taking AP Computer Science classes and learning actual programming languages like JavaScript. While my classmates were buying gaming consoles/video games, my parents restricted my gaming to the computer so I could improve my understanding of how the games were developed via playing browser games before I could buy a console.
In my senior year of high school, I took an AP Game Design class and began learning how to work with Unity. While working with Unity, I learned another language, C#, and learned the fundamentals of what it took to develop a video game. I want to be a game designer once I enter the workforce, so that experience definitely motivated me to pursue that dream. I am now a freshman at North Carolina A & T and cannot wait to complete my major in computer science!
FOSSI: Why is receiving the FOSSI scholarship important for you?
I believe that God has a plan for everybody and God's plan for me is to be a pioneer in taking gaming to the next level. When a person plays a game, they should not play it solely for enjoyment, they should play it to increase their ability to be a part of making the world a better place. I also believe that computer science can be taken to a level that is more interactive. The games would also promote more positive moral thinking.
I would work with a mental health specialist to add stimulus and interactive Q&A features to the game that will help ease an individual's thoughts. I also plan to write programs that will help charitable organizations be more efficient.
My dreams are closer to reality thanks to the generous FOSSI scholarship sponsors who believe that my determination, perseverance, and creative abilities will benefit STEM advancement and provide societal enrichment.
FOSSI: FOSSI: Fast forward – where do you see yourself in ten years?
Upon completion of my undergraduate computer science degree at North Carolina A&T State University, my 10-year plan includes becoming a game developer for either an indie game development studio like Moon Studios, which is now part of Microsoft; or key companies like Bandai Namco, Capcom, Google, Microsoft, or a major technology development company. A personal goal of mine is how I can develop programs and apps (software applications) that will help me serve my community.
FOSSI: Share a few fun facts about yourself.
Other than programming and modding games, I also like to draw and create digital and traditional art. I'm nowhere near a professional artist, but I like to think that I'm pretty decent at drawing. I also know a little bit about video editing, and have created a few YouTube videos in my spare time. I am an avid reader and love to get entranced by the worlds that authors create. I love to play video games in my spare time, and I also enjoy watching anime. Despite being an introvert, I do like hanging out with friends from time to time. Being a kind-hearted person, I exude inclusivity by drawing those who seem to be left out of conversations.